Marcelle - UIST 2021 Demos

These online demos accompany the following paper published at the ACM UIST '21 conference:

Jules Françoise, Baptiste Caramiaux, Téo Sanchez. Marcelle: Composing Interactive Machine Learning Workflows and Interfaces. Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’21), Oct 2021, Virtual, France. DOI: 10.1145/3472749.3474734

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Case Study 1: Sketch Recognition

This scenario involves a HCI researcher who focuses on democratizing ML systems for the general public. To that end, she runs workshops and studies with playful scenarios where participants can teach concepts to a classifier and she collects data on user interactions. This demo illustrates how Marcelle can be used to develop prototypes for a sketch recognition application.

Privacy Notice: Cookies are necessary to run the demo. In this demo, all data is stored in your browser. None of your sketches will be transfered to a remote server

Initial Prototype

Suzanne's initial prototype for training a sketch classifier

Detailed Dashboard

A variation of Suzanne's initial prototype, with a more detailed dashboard

Final Application

Suzanne's final application with an improved workflow

Case Study 2: Skin Cancer Recognition

The second scenario focuses on the collaboration between a machine learning expert and a clinician to build a skin lesion classifier. The machine learning expert, Louise, trains models with Python and logs the training to a Marcelle data store. She develops two dashboards for monitoring the training and assessing the performance of various models. She can share particular models with Michel, a clinician who can test the classifier with his own images, correcting the predictions if necessary.

For testing, example data from the HAM10000 dataset can be downloaded from Harvard Dataverse.

Privacy Notice: Cookies are necessary to run the demo. In this demo, all training sets are public and synchronized across clients. The data you provide we will uploaded to a server and available publicly. Dataset browsers provide controls for deleting instances and classes.

ML Expert's Dashboard

Louise's dashboard for monitoring and assessing image classification models

ML Expert's Comparison Dashboard

Louise's dashboard for comparing models

Clinician's Interface

Michel's Dashboard for interactively testing the classifier and correcting predictions